FrontLiner Profile: Mendi Carrington

“I work at FrontLine Service because I love it!  FrontLine is a wonderful agency that specializes in helping people—from those less fortunate to those traumatized.  I enjoy my team—all of us are well-rounded and kind-hearted individuals who genuinely care for each other and the people we serve.   I care about this work because I care about people, especially children.” 

Mendi Carrington is a Trauma Systems Therapist for FrontLine Service. She has worked at FrontLine since April 2015.


How did you first learn about FrontLine Service?   

I learned about FrontLine Service through a friend who worked in the Trauma Department at the time.  She found out that I was looking for work and I gave her my resume to give to the managers. 


What is your current role?    

My current role is a Trauma Systems Therapist in the Trauma Department’s Supporting Children program. I provide trauma counseling to children and their families ages 5-18 through trauma focused-cognitive behavioral therapy and trauma systems therapy. A typical day for me varies, depending on my caseload, but I will either see kids at school or in their homes for therapy, usually 2-5 clients a day, with paperwork in between. 


What is your favorite part of your job?   

My favorite part of the job is interacting with my clients, especially those who want to be helped.  I also love the relief parents feel knowing that their child is cared for, respected, and listened to.   


What is the hardest part of your job?   

The hardest part of my job is listening to their stories and strongly encouraging them to process the memories that they would much rather forget. I hate that children have to go through such hard things in their young lives. 


What is a hobby, interest, or routine you have that is not related to work?   

I love Jesus, attend church, serve at church, and pray a lot.  One hobby I have is writing poetry: I am actually a self-published author of two books!  I enjoy working out and playing sports—I am currently on a softball team.   


What is one thing you would want the community to understand about the work you do?   

I would want the community to know that trauma is hard.  But it doesn't have to be ignored, brushed under the rug, or dealt with alone.  There are people who care and want to come alongside to help individuals process the pain, distress, and havoc that trauma has wreaked in their lives.   


Is there anything else you want to share about yourself or the work you do?   

I believe that I am fulfilling my God-given passion as a helping professional because I genuinely care about all people, I'm sensitive towards others, and compassionate.  I'm quiet, but I've always been told that I'm a good listener.  I'm playful, fun and most kids seem to enjoy me! 

FrontLiner Profiles reflect the views of the person interviewed.  
They do not necessarily reflect the view of FrontLine Service.