Based on the values of quality, responsibility, and accountability, non-profit board members, volunteers and employees act in the best interest of achieving the agency’s mission at all times.
It is the policy of FrontLine Service that integrity is one of the most valuable assets that an organization can possess. Resulting from this belief, the Board of Directors has adopted a Code of Conduct for FrontLine Service. The Code of Conduct is intended to provide guidance to all employees regarding the standards of conduct which are expected from every individual employee of FrontLine Service. Ethical conduct, as mandated by the Code, will enable FrontLine Service to be known for the highest standards of fairness and integrity in all facets of operation enabling the fulfillment of our mission.
Core values identified guide the conduct of the Trustees and staff members of FrontLine Service. These values help to define the identity of the agency, and describe how its mission is fulfilled.
The following are some of the core principles of the FrontLine Service’s Code of Conduct:
Belief in the capacity of clients to direct their recovery
Cultural diversity, and cultural competence standards
Use of services and treatments having evidence of effectiveness
Protection of client rights
Community collaboration to achieve continuity of care
Principled leadership
Sound governance
Financial accountability, and responsible use of resources
Systematic collection, reporting, analysis, and use of outcome data
Adherence to professionally-qualified standards of service
Complying with all applicable federal and state laws
FrontLine Service, has established the following standards, policies and procedures for conduct to be followed by its employees and other agents that are intended, as being reasonably capable of reducing the prospect of illegal conduct.
Communication of Information, Honesty and Disclosure
FrontLine Service requires full and fair disclosure of relevant Agency information requiring candor and honesty from all employees in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. Honest disclosure of all pertinent data will extend to dealings with independent accountants, legal counsel, internal audit personnel, compliance personnel, and other regulatory agencies as required. Continued honest dealings with parties interacting with FrontLine Service will protect and enhance its reputation for integrity and honesty.
Observance of the Law
FrontLine Service and its subsidiaries expect compliance with all facets of the law. It is expected that all individuals employed by FrontLine Service will adhere to this standard. Where the law may be ambiguous or appear in conflict with our method of operation, employees are directed to contact Corporate Counsel to obtain an opinion.
Compliance with all pertinent governmental reporting regulations and the utilization of accepted accounting principles is a minimum standard for FrontLine Service. All transactions of the agency must be recorded and accurately reflect the activities they represent. Intentional misrepresentations of fact or omissions of pertinent data cannot, and will not be tolerated. All personnel will be required to adhere to the financial reporting policies as they are developed. Employees must also comply with the rules and regulations contained in the Policy and Procedure Handbook.
Fair Billing Practices
FrontLine Service invoices patients or third party payers in a fair and understandable manner only for services actually provided. FrontLine Service provides assistance to patients seeking to understand the costs relative to their care. FrontLine Service attempts to resolve questions and objections to the satisfaction of the patient while considering the agency’s best interests.
Marketing practices are conducted with truth, fairness and responsibility to patients, the community and the public at large. Marketing materials reflect only services available, the level of licensure at time of publication and accreditation, and comply with applicable laws and regulations of truth in advertising and non-discrimination.
Receipt of Gifts or Other Items of Value
No individual shall accept gifts, favors, entertainment, or other items of value that may compromise their decision-making abilities and result in negative influence being exerted on FrontLine Service. The offer and/or acceptance of any questionable benefit must be reported to the Compliance Officer immediately.
The offer by any FrontLine Service employee of money, services, or other items of value with the expectation of influencing the judgment, integrity, or decision-making ability of any patient, customer, government official or other person having business dealings with FrontLine Service is expressly prohibited. The request for, or knowledge of, provisions of such benefit must be reported immediately.
Specifically excluded from this provision are gifts or donations that are made to FrontLine Service in furtherance of its defined mission. As a result, all officially sponsored FrontLine Service fundraising activities are specifically excluded from this provision. Also excluded are donations made by patients, estates of deceased patients, corporations, or other entities that desire to contribute to the furtherance of the mission of FrontLine Service.
Nature of Professional Relationship
Each licensed employee of FrontLine Service, including but not limited to physicians, social workers, counselors, chemical dependency counselors, and recreation, occupational therapy, music or art therapists, are is expected to abide by the appropriate and applicable Code of Ethics or Code of Conduct established by their respective licensing board.
FrontLine Service recognizes that the opportunity exists for its employees to interact with its clients in more than one context. This phenomenon, described as a dual relationship, can be present serious ethical and clinical difficulties, and accordingly all employees are to abide by the Dual Relationship Policy.
Outside Employment
Should FrontLine Service employees feel it necessary to secure employment in addition to their work with the agency, they must notify their supervisor and the Human Resources Director in writing. Outside employment must not conflict with the need for high standards of conduct connected with employment with FrontLine Service.
Employees may not be concurrently employed by any organization, agency, institution or other entity that provides funding to or contracts with FrontLine Service. This prohibition extends to any organization, agency, institution or other entity which fulfills a planning function or having a direct effect on FrontLine Service, or any such organization that provides a similar service in competition with FrontLine Service, without the express prior authorization of the Executive Director.
Reporting Abuse and Neglect
All employees of FrontLine Service, without exception, are to maintain full compliance with the reporting requirements contained in the Reporting Alleged Abuse or Neglect of Clients Policy.
Reports of potential violation of this policy will result in a thorough investigation conducted by the Human Resources Director and Compliance Officer. An employee found to have violated the policy will be subject to corrective action.
It is the duty of each employee within Mental Health Services for Homeless Persons, Inc. (FrontLine Service) to uphold the standard set forth in the Code of Conduct and to report violations through procedures outlined in the Corporate Compliance Plan. The Corporate Compliance Program has set procedures if a reported issue is reported to an individual Committee member, the Chief Compliance Officer or through the compliance hotline. If allegations are true and wrongdoing has been detected, FrontLine Service shall take all reasonable steps to respond appropriately to the situation and to prevent future similar wrongdoing. Reasonable steps may include stopping the behavior in question, modifying corporate policies, disciplining or terminating employees involved with the wrongdoing, and modifying the Compliance Program to better anticipate such problems.