If you need shelter tonight, call 216-674-6700
Your call could take around 20-45 minutes to gather the required information.
Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
If you require shelter after 8 p.m. or on weekends, call 211.
Shelter beds are available 365 days a year, 7 days a week.
No one should physically come to Coordinated Intake for assistance. Intake is provided over the phone exclusively.
Coordinated Intake CAN provide:
Exploration of alternatives to shelter, or shelter diversion.
Referral for emergency shelter, if needed.
Referral for emergency services, if needed. Services could include help with medical issues, mental health, and drug abuse.
Coordinated Intake DOES NOT provide:
Locating housing/rental assistance
Rapid Rehousing*
Eden Vouchers*
Permanent Supportive Housing vouchers*
Shelter or homeless letters (contact the shelter you stayed at to request this letter)
*Your shelter worker, outreach worker, or case manager will explore appropriate housing options with you.
Coordinated Intake F.A.Qs
You are welcome to contact Coordinated Intake for guidance, however, the individual who needs shelter must call Coordinated Intake directly. If you need street outreach, visit www.neoch.org/what-to-do-if-i-become-homeles
If you are experiencing domestic violence and need help, including options for safe shelter, please call or text the 24/7 Domestic Violence Helpline at 216-391-HELP or visit https://www.journeyneo.org/contact-us to chat online.
For landlord-tenant mediation, please visit the Cleveland Mediation Center.
For foreclosure or housing assistance, visit CHN Housing Partners.
For legal assistance and information on eviction rights please visit, the Legal Aid Society of Cleveland.
Visit our page for the Supportive Services for Veterans and Families Program for information and services.
For Cuyahoga County, call 216-674-6700 for information and services.
For Lake and Ashtabula counties, call 440-381-8347.
Coordinated Intake staff will determine your homeless status and link you to shelter. Once you arrive at shelter, your shelter case manager will help you access permanent housing and mainstream benefits. For information about benefits, visit the Ohio Department of Jobs and Family Services.
Coordinated Intake does not provide assistance in this area. Please visit the Cuyahoga County Ohio Means Jobs website.
Coordinated Intake does not provide assistance in this area. Please visit the below websites for Catholic Charities Diocese of Cleveland Food Pantries or the Greater Cleveland Food Banks
Unfortunately, no. Pets are not allowed in homeless shelters.