Crisis Chat

Coordinated Intake


If you need shelter tonight, call 216-674-6700

Your call could take around 20-45 minutes to gather the required information.

Hours of operation:
Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m.

If you require shelter after 8 p.m. or on weekends, call 211.

Shelter beds are available 365 days a year, 7 days a week.

No one should physically come to Coordinated Intake for assistance. Intake is provided over the phone exclusively.

Coordinated Intake CAN provide:

  • Exploration of alternatives to shelter, or shelter diversion.

  • Referral for emergency shelter, if needed.

  • Referral for emergency services, if needed. Services could include help with medical issues, mental health, and drug abuse.

Coordinated Intake DOES NOT provide:

  • Locating housing/rental assistance

  • Rapid Rehousing*

  • Eden Vouchers*

  • Permanent Supportive Housing vouchers*

  • Shelter or homeless letters (contact the shelter you stayed at to request this letter)

    *Your shelter worker, outreach worker, or case manager will explore appropriate housing options with you.

Coordinated Intake F.A.Qs