FrontLiner Profiles: Anola Smith
Anola Smith, FrontLine Service Clinical Coordinator
“My favorite part of my job is interacting with the clients. I truly feel that I am making a difference when clients are excited to tell me about their wins, or they make it a priority to seek me out to update me on things they are working on. I know then I have created a safe space for them and that makes me proud. “
Anola Smith is a Clinical Coordinator for FrontLine Service. She has worked at FrontLine since 2017.
What is your current role? What are your basic job responsibilities?
I coordinate client services with case management teams and our Integrated Care Clinic team. I also manage our patient support team. I engage with all clients entering the agency to provide therapeutic supports, whether that be a new client or returning clients.
What is a typical day like for you?
A typical day for me is usually busy. I spend a lot of time helping clients who are in crisis. I assist these clients with being connected to the appropriate resources. I also provide clients with hope, because when they usually come in, they have gotten so many no's they are discouraged, but most times I am able to point clients in the direction of help.
Why do you work here? Why do you care about this work?
I work here because serving people is a part of who I am, and I truly believe in the mission here. I care about the work because the people we serve have faced challenges and are up against barriers that are unimaginable. It is my responsibility to speak up and advocate for them. I truly believe that we are only as strong as the community around us, and if our community is suffering my job is not done.
What do people often misunderstand about your work or the people you work with?
I think that people often misunderstand the population that we work with. People are not in crisis because they choose to be. Trauma can have a long-lasting impact, and without the appropriate supports anyone can be in this situation.
What is the hardest part of your job?
The hardest part of my job is not being able to help every single person that comes through the door. I know I am human, and I can only do so much, but it weighs on me when I am unable to help someone.
What do you do to practice resiliency?
I read. I love being by the water to just reflect and process my thoughts. I also like to binge-watch my favorite shows when I have time.
What is one thing you would want the community to understand about the work you do?
I want the community to know that this work is not easy, but it is beyond rewarding. The people that I serve deserve us to show up for them in the same way we would want someone to show up for us!
FrontLiner Profiles reflect the views of the person interviewed.
They do not necessarily reflect the view of FrontLine Service.