What's New: Agency Changes

FrontLine Service has been proud to offer its unique programming, approach, and dedication to serving those most in need for almost four decades. Like any system with a long life, one of the key components of ensuring continued health is periodically assessing the agency's needs for growth and stability for the future. Last year, we were excited to embark on the creation of a new Strategic Plan, working with the consulting firms Sage & Maven and Strategy Design Partners to facilitate discussions with clients, staff, leadership, and our external community partners. 

The plan identified the need to establish clear program priorities that are aligned with the mission, proven organizational strengths, capacity, and fiscal sustainability that are reliant on ongoing evaluation and an agreed framework for strategic decision making.  

Following a comprehensive review of the agency’s structure and the programs providing services to homeless individuals and families, we have integrated what were previously three separate departments into two:  Community Health and Residential Health Services. The goals of this integration are to ensure high quality, consistent client care, align funding to ensure the financial strength and sustainability of programs, create synergy and efficiency between programs, and cross-train staff for coverage to address any gaps in staffing. 

We know that large-scale changes like these take time and intentional movement throughout the process. We are leveraging data in a new way and have positioned new leaders in key positions to lead their teams through the rewarding work of getting back to basics. When we take care of clients as our first order of business, the business of creating meaningful, sustainable change comes naturally.  

Like any system with a long life, one of the key components of ensuring continued health is periodically assessing the agency's needs for growth and stability for the future.

What's NewBruce Walton